I wrote this to illustrate some thoughts and beliefs and reject being forced into a political box by others.
Everyone can work together for a better society despite having different beliefs. We don’t have to agree on everything to get things done.
The United States of America
I believe in American exceptionalism. The founding ideals of the USA are worth lifting up and aspiring to, regardless if we ever truly achieve them. There is a reason people clamor to come here. We can claim the ideals and constantly work to reach them. Where we fall short should not be the focus.
Individual freedom is paramount. The USA is founded on the principle that liberty outweighs lives. So many lives have been lost to secure our freedom. That is absolute.
Individualism over collectivism.
I support equality for every US citizen, regardless of race, sex, religion, or sexual preference. All individuals are equal before the law and have inalienable rights.
Property rights are a foundation of American prosperity.
Freedom of speech and freedom of association are cornerstones of America. Therefore, we should update our anti-discrimination laws to protect political beliefs.
Americans have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So-called “positive rights” (food, shelter, and healthcare) are not human rights. We only have the right to pursue them.
Abortion isn’t healthcare. It’s an elective procedure with significant consequences. I am pro-choice, but abortion shouldn’t be common, easy, or free. Like most Americans, I support reasonable restrictions on abortion access (cutoff after 12-15 weeks except in cases of rape/incest/physical harm).
I support legal gay marriage.
In most cases, the government is a poor, inefficient, and expensive way to address problems.
The private sector is far better than the public sector for getting things done and solving problems.
Our government should prioritize common people who actively work to make their lives and the lives of others better. Not corporations, not unions, not billionaires. And it’s not the government’s job to find victims.
The government cannot “give” anyone things like shelter or healthcare without first taking away something from someone else.
I support the systems of the US government. The three branches will survive and sustain the country, no matter what radicals on either side claim.
I don’t support foreign wars to intervene in the affairs of a region, but America should protect our interests.
I support a US military strong enough to counter multiple adversaries simultaneously and project our power globally when needed.
Intersectionality, DEI, anti-racism, and gender theory have no place in our armed forces.
Over the last 100 years, American prosperity has been primarily due to military superiority and affordable, abundant energy.
Immigration / Globalism
Immigration can’t be unlimited. It’s neither practical nor economically viable. As a country, we can’t help everyone.
We should be Americans before “global citizens.”
Crime / Police
The bare minimum responsibility of city government is to provide safe streets for taxpayers, businesses, and property owners.
Decriminalizing crime is a dangerous path that leads to more crime. Non-prosecution of criminals makes us all less safe.
Police are essential to civilization.
Allowing and enabling people to live on the streets is inhumane.
Mandatory treatment for addicts and the mentally ill and compulsory shelter for the homeless are solutions.
Public education in America is failing our children. It’s not a funding problem. The problems are systemic and run very deep. A complete overhaul is needed.
Public sector teachers’ unions have destroyed public education.
Taxpayer funding of public schools should follow students, not the schools themselves.
Competition in education is a net positive for society.
Human sex/gender is binary. Anything else is an anomaly or pretending.
No one is ever “born in the wrong body.”
Only females can menstruate, and males cannot get pregnant.
I am against transgender people competing in opposite-sex sports from their birth sex. Biology is real.
Social Justice
I strongly support equality of opportunity, but social equity isn’t something that can be regulated or granted to anyone.
I don’t support the teaching of Critical Race Theory to our children. It’s dangerous and divisive. Struggle sessions are not solutions. Grievances don’t build anything.
Intersectionality couldn’t be more useless as a social dynamic. People are unique. Each individual is more than their “identity points.” Prioritizing or de-prioritizing groups based on “identities” is divisive. It’s the opposite of what we should be doing.
I am against racism. I’m not “anti-racist” in the CRT sense. It has a Neo-Marxist deconstructionist agenda that is ultimately divisive and inflammatory.
Pretending that an advantage or disadvantage can be legislated away is disingenuous. People will always have advantages or disadvantages no matter what laws are passed because everyone is unique.
I cannot ever support treating criminals like victims.
Forcing a premature transition away from fossil fuels is economic suicide.
Being energy independent as a country should always be a priority, regardless of how we do it. Fossil fuels, nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric. All of it should be on the table.
Energy policy needs to be done in an economically responsible way. Unfortunately, the Green New Deal and Paris Climate Agreement don’t do that.
We don’t need to panic. It’s entirely possible to regulate emissions without destroying the economy.
Renewable energy isn’t a realistic option to replace fossil fuels. “Green” energy sources cannot sustain power grids. Intermittence continues to be a real obstacle. Wind and Solar require fossil fuel backup, and battery technology isn’t ready for mass storage. Expecting people to tolerate blackouts and forced restrictions is also not a viable strategy.
The narrative that some aren’t “paying their fair share” is a convenient class divider. “Fair” is entirely subjective.
We need fewer government programs, not more.
Deficit spending is irresponsible, no matter which party is doing it.
I don’t support a higher capital gains tax. Investors are taking risks.
Every job isn’t meant to support a family. Not every job can demand a living wage. Your job is only worth what it costs to replace you. You are responsible for making yourself employable and moving up the wage ladder.
This is a living document that may be expanded as needed.